The third is the Malacca Pirate Society, headquartered in P.H. Fishing Port Processing Zone A-15, pirate circulation, specializing in parts smuggling, transported by light beige octopus seabed,
The fourth is Busan Shuitou School, headquartered in P.H. Fishing Port Processing Zone A-33, Haitou Express, specializing in human trafficking, delivered by apricot octopus seabed,
The fifth is the Mumbai Vagabond Gang, headquartered in Vagrant Tourism, specializing in human trafficking, transported by the sea blue octopus,
The sixth is the Ryukyu Islands An Yue Group, the headquarters is An Yue Coffee Finance, which specializes in hotels, finance,
20 pm,
The exclusive live broadcast network of the C-50 studio at 2 pings of the Alien Community Venture Park,
On the left side of the table sits 20-year-old Dugu Wanjin,
Height 168 cm,
Chinese character face, upturned hair,