巷子 - 提心吊胆 2

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    "Are you all right?"

    "Yea, I,m fine. No worries."

    "By fine, how fine is it?"





    "Where is that magical pen?"



    "How are you feeling? Good? Bad?"Elvis这时捏紧了金毛的鼻子,玩弄着,听见狗的喘息,“Or just nah. Say it so that i might help you out.”

    "I,m fine."

    "Fine is not in the option list. What the fuck is wrong with you? U suddenly become deaf? Another chance, good, bad, or nah?"


    "That,s my good boy. Now u know what, stay right here and then do it."他眼看着那高壮汉子如何脱下裤子,又眼看着那露出的肥厚肌rou屁股如何中间就显出个避孕套口出来。不过上面的都是过去式了,现在他要半蹲在地上看着人是怎么,"So u r really a dog indeed? Show how your asshole defecates to people. Ah, geez. Are you shitting right now? Tell me. Are you shitting right now, bitch?"

    "Yea…I am…ah…ah……I am shitting right now……Ah…I am……No…Ahhhhhhhh!! Please don,t!! I beg of you!! Elvis! I beg of you! No!!! Please…ahh…no……Ah…Yea…Yea………Slow down Elvis……"

    "Why would I listen to you? What do you think who you are? Ah…dirty, and disgusting."说到那两个单词的时候,排到半路的磁力珠就会被一下猛的塞回去,像杀猪一样的往rou里面捅的架势,自然回应也是杀猪,"Don,t shout. Don,t be noisy. Don,t make my aversion to you go beyond the control. Since you are already the top of people i hate the most in the world list, excuse you for being so dirty and disgusting. It is the price, cost, or maybe we can just call it a punishment for you offending me. Hence, could you explain the reason for me again? Because I,m afraid of I might forget that. You are so annoying. Anyway, the words you reply to me would be very appreciable. Be simple."








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